Revolutionary Storytelling, Empowerment, & Community

A virtual 6 week container to:

Release sexual shame, 

Activate your voice, 

Expand your creativity,

Uplevel your community,

Normalize the full spectrum of being human.

One woman’s story is every woman’s story, shame only survives in the closet, and we all need community support.

Welcome to Bad Girls Club, where we practice expressing, witnessing, reflecting, vocalizing, trusting, becoming, and taking up space. As we explore these essential skillsets in a brilliantly-held space, they become a lifestyle.

Imagine… lighting a candle and taking a deep breath, then unmuting your zoom screen, and sharing the story you wrote about how you lost your virginity to a group of ten women. You begin to read and tears come to your eyes. Remembering is emotional, and sharing this story with 9 other women feels edgy & amazing. Maybe it’s a beautiful story, maybe it’s a confusing one, maybe it’s the full spectrum—usually all our stories are. You get to reclaim the story for YOU, while your sisters hold pure, present space, and uplift you in the chat, reflecting back how impactful your truth is. Tears are shed, emotions move, laughter is shared, & then there’s freedom. The liberation in being witnessed by sharing your truth! Oh my GOD, it is PRICELESS! And then you get to receive 9 other women’s stories.

Our DNA literally changes as we realize we are not alone, and that nothing is actually taboo… We have to unlearn to relearn. You don’t just have to imagine this is happening- this HAPPENS when you sign up for Bad Girls Club. Each week, we will explore and embody a new archetype through somatic ceremony, letting go of any shame, and creating space for any desires, dreams and fears to arise.

This space is transformative, eye opening, cutting -edge, relieving, inspiring, & super sensual. You do not need to already be a writer to join this program! All levels are welcome. This is an amazing space to practice the storytelling craft and receive inspiration if you’re new to it. And if you’re a well seasoned writer… come and throw down in this space! Feminine Consciousness is best understood through storytelling: we are complex beings, with deep desires, hidden shame, and unspoken kinks + fears. Sharing our truths sets us free.

The pillars of



Our Sexuality is our power and plays a huge role in how we interact with the world. We live in a completely oversexualized society, with little to no emphasis on sensuality or erotisicm. How do we learn what it means to be a woman? Who teaches us about our Sex and how sacred it is? Exploring our sexuality in a safe, supportive space is a gamechanger.

Storytelling is communication of the Soul. It sets us free and allows us to gain confidence + reclaim parts of ourselves. As we tell our stories, we lay a blueprint for HOW to be human. Our truths are the journalism of today, and sharing our honesty with each other is so RELIEVING.. We all think we’re alone with our suffering and our shame, but we aren’t. One woman’s story is truly every woman’s story….

Which leads me to Sisterhood. There just is nothing like it. To feel safe, seen, supported, celebrated and adored by other women.It literally soothes our souls from the inside out. When we have a tribe of women rooting us on and encouraging us to be our full selves, we are unstoppable. The interweaving of these 3 themes is an absolute game changer; you are sure to meet the next version of yourself in this container.

Living in a society without any rites of passage, we all become adults without any initiation. This is a tragedy, because the thresholds we cross as women are profound, and deserve to be treated with reverence, respect, honor and Mystery. So we gather as women hungry to understand ourselves and our lived journeys, and we re-cross these thresholds together.

If you’re feeling shy, repressed, heavy with shame, sexually unfulfilled, hungry for more, and you want to feel empowered, sexually liberated, turned on and curious about your own erotic feminine powers…then you’re in the right place.

This is a virtual 6 week container, a 6 week embodiment ceremony to honor ourselves. We highlight the places we’ve been and the places we want to go… we all have stories. We all have fantasies. We all have desires.

This space is a curated permission slip to bring all of yourself to the table, and be celebrated for every kinky fetish and any horrendous interaction. When we story tell together, we realize we are so not alone, and in fact, we’re all more similar than we ever dreamed possible.

**This container is open to anyone with a womb: though much of this language is geared towards cisgender woman, queer and androgynous womxn are welcome too. This is a super safe, brave and inclusive container.


(Layout is unique to each round of BGC; potential schedule/themes)

  • We recross the threshold of losing our virginity together, and we reclaim our sexuality for OURSELVES. We dive into the misinterpretation of the Virgin in todays society and clear a blank slate for our sexuality / sensual expression. In week one, we lay a foundation of releasing shame, guilt and anger from any trauma we’ve experienced, because it’s valid and deserves to be witnessed and held.

  • In week two, we prioritize body sovereignty, building a healthy relationship with our vessel, creating safety in the body to move forward with. We familiarize ourselves with pleasure and what unique things bring us pleasure, how we can incorporate more pleasure into our lives and experience our own radiance. In this week, we re-cross the threshold of the maiden by tuning into one of her shadows, the damsel in distress. By acknowledging a time we wanted to be saved/rescued, we come more into wholeness.

  • Week 3 is devoted to our wild woman, our wild nature, coming home to our feral feminine energy, reconnecting to our animal body and claiming our darkest desires. We will look at primal urges, language, sounds, smells, and other intimate parts of our wild/primal nature. We gain confidence to express authentically this week by celebrating our inner landscapes and reclaiming our alpha energy. The animal side of us defies logic and societal expectation; we get to go deep, dark and wild this week to honor our sex, our kinks, our inherent primal mating cries that come from our depths.

  • After exploring the Virgin, the Sensual Maiden and the Wild Woman, what is PULSING? What more wants to be said? What shadow wants to be held? Integration week through somatic practices like mirror gazing and goddess yoga, to drop us into our bodies and catch up with ourselves.

  • NOTHING is too much when it comes to this archetype. The Holy Whore loves flautning her sexuality, her embodied confidence, her desires. She is not ashamed, and let’s the world know about her orgasmic living. We are taking “sexy” back this week and focusing on unapologetic self expression. We also explore the ancient codes of Sex Priestesses that are alive inside us all in week 5. We remember how Sacred our Sexuality truly is.

  • Week 6 we land in our seat of power. The Seductress is embodied self knowing. She sits in her seat of power and magnetizes her desires to her. She plays with Mystery and is an erotic inspiration to us all. Where the Slut is Overt, the Seductress is more reserved, poised and Mysterious. She operates from her womb space, is well acquainted with the void, and has creativity spilling from her being. In this final week, we’ll be writing poems, stories or messages from our Inner Seductress, the wise one, what does she want to say to you, to us, to the collective?

Each week is accompanied by a playlist, journal prompts/workbook exercises, and a guided writing invitation. Each week we all write and share stories. Each week we uncover more about ourselves and what it means to be a woman. We explore our own inner landscapes each week, diving into self intimacy and self reflection, and then we come together every Tuesday night to share our stories, be witnessed + held in sisterhood, and then reflect on what’s shifting real time as we engage in somatic ceremonies in this way. As Soul Sister + BGC graduate Annie Brewster said, “The Revolution begins here, in BGC.”

Cutting-edge Storytelling, Embodied Sexuality, Life-Altering Sisterhood.

  • Telegram Group Chat

  • Weekly Zoom calls

  • Lifetime Access to Recordings

  • Weekly Integration Homework (Storytelling Invitations), Weekly Journal Prompts, Weekly Embodiment Practices, Weekly Playlist

  • Optional add on: 1:1 calls (60 minutes) with Sammi to integrate

  • Zoom calls are SUNDAY MORNINGS 10:30AM PST :)

  • Every sunday 5/12-6/16

This is my most exciting offering yet.

I can promise you YUMMY self discovery, radical learning opportunities and a revolutionary speaking space to rise into your Wild & Erotic Self. This space is about YOUR truth, YOUR vulnerability, and YOUR willingness to play & show up. This is a container that amplifies your sovereignty. This container will support your in touching your depths and your edges & you will witness your whole being revolutionize before your eyes.

You’ll make life long friends in this container and have a damn good time. No doubt about that. The women we tell stories with, become soul family on a whole other level.

Throughout the 6 weeks together, we will explore Archetypes, Thresholds, Sexuality and Desires. We will tell stories and reveal secrets and let go of shame and come home to ourselves, together. We will laugh and cry and cheer each other on.

This offering is for the Wild Woman who wants MORE of HERSELF! Storytelling, Sexuality, Sisterhood, Soul, Self Exploration at its JUICIEST! If you want to prowl with big cats… join the BGC tribe today.




wild • sensual • primal •

The investment for

is $750

We will meet once a week on zoom for 6 weeks, and investing in this container is a priceless experience. Every dollar you invest into your becoming, returns ten fold. I promise you that.

The call times will be 10:30 AM PST and will be 2 hours.

The Time is NOW to Share Your Wisdom.

You are hands down your best investment. To get to know yourself deeper and deeper this life is priceless. This is the opportunity of a lifetime; to extract your truest, wildest dreams and desires, to speak them out loud, and to be celebrated for them.

We each have a unique, precious treasure to offer the world. As Marianne Williamson says, “We were born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; It’s in everyone. As we let our own light shine, we consciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

By granting permission to our inner BAD GIRL and letting ourselves take up space, we unleash desires, rid ourselves of shame, and come more into wholeness. We get to remember who we really are.